Where Music and Healing Meet

I teach clients of all ages the magic and healing powers of music, guiding them through a higher state of consciousness where healing and constructive self-awareness can take place.

Download Free Piano Exercises

These simple piano exercises will help you get started.

Through her years of playing piano, singing, and composing music, Beatrice Louisa inspires others to use music as a coping mechanism.

She uses her own story of living with an autoimmune disease and her passion for music to help others find inner peace and harmony.

Creativity, Compassion, Community

Music is an extremely motivating medium and unique outcomes are possible within the music as therapy setting. At Music to Mend, music is used to create new neural pathways which stimulate brain function.

People who play the piano tend to experience less anxiety and depression than their nonmusical counterparts. Playing for a few minutes a day can improve self-esteem, make you feel more positive, and can lower your blood pressure.

Playing piano can help shut down the stress response of the body and this, in turn, will provide a feeling of relaxation to the body. Recent years have only seen more evidence of the benefits of piano come to light, linking music making to a healthy life.

Download Free Piano Exercises

These simple piano exercises will help you get started.