Healthy Habits Start Here: Piano Therapy for Diabetes Wellness

Healthy Habits Start Here: Piano Therapy for Diabetes Wellness

If you’ve been following my blog, you’re probably aware that I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called RA, rheumatoid arthritis. That’s why I relate so well with so many of you out there who are living with an autoimmune disease. The pain, the weight gain, insomnia, need I go on? Like RA, type 1…

Piano for PTSD: Heal your Heart and Soul by Playing only 15-Minutes a Day

Piano for PTSD: Heal your Heart and Soul by Playing only 15-Minutes a Day

In today’s post, I’ll be sharing information on how playing the piano for just 15 minutes a day can relieve your symptoms of PTSD. PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, appears in different ways in different people. Even those of us who have been diagnosed with an incurable autoimmune disease suffer from symptoms of PTSD. Hearing the…

9-Astounding reasons why playing piano can prevent Alzheimer’s: Start living your best life!

9-Astounding reasons why playing piano can prevent Alzheimer’s: Start living your best life!

In today’s post I’ll be sharing with you 5-astounding reasons why playing the piano can prevent Alzheimer’s. Although I suffer from an incurable autoimmune disease and know all about the sadness, frustration, and oftentimes depression and pain it brings, I’m passionate about teaching others about the magical healing powers of playing the piano. I’m sharing…