The Amazing Link Between Music as Therapy for Patients taking Oral Medication for Rheumatoid Arthritis
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The Amazing Link Between Music as Therapy for Patients taking Oral Medication for Rheumatoid Arthritis

In today’s post, I’ll be discussing the amazing link between using music as a therapeutic method for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. More specifically, for those of us who take an oral medication. Having RA bring on depression and anxiety, because the pain and chronic fatigue are often unimaginable and unbearable. So, let’s dive in…

A Song a Day, Keeps the Doctor Away: Music is Good Medicine!
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A Song a Day, Keeps the Doctor Away: Music is Good Medicine!

ES_Deep Inside the Rainforest – Sight of Wonders In today’s post, I’m going to share the positive aspects of playing the piano, and how playing just one song a day can bring you a plethora of benefits. If you have an autoimmune disease as I do, you know the drills of going to the doctor,…

5 Recommendations to Help You Find the Best Entry-Level Keyboard
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5 Recommendations to Help You Find the Best Entry-Level Keyboard

In today’s blog post, I’ll recommend my top 5 entry-level pianos or keyboards that you can be sure will get you on your way to learning how to play the piano. So you’ve finally decided you want the benefits you’ll receive if you just learned to play the piano. Benefits such as improving memory function…

15 Best Low-Impact Musical Instruments for Autoimmune Disease Warriors of Any Age

15 Best Low-Impact Musical Instruments for Autoimmune Disease Warriors of Any Age

In a previous post, I mentioned I would write about a few low-impact instruments for those living with arthritis. But upon reflection, I decided to write this post with a broader audience in mind: those living with an autoimmune disease. That’s because there are over 80 different autoimmune diseases, and I want to include everyone…

7-Phenomenal Reasons you Should Introduce your Baby to the Piano: Ages 0 – 3 years
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7-Phenomenal Reasons you Should Introduce your Baby to the Piano: Ages 0 – 3 years

In today’s post, I’ll be sharing with you some incredibly useful information on why you should introduce the piano to your baby. More specifically, I’ll be discussing how your baby will benefit from the piano into adolescence, and into adulthood. There is no definitive age to start that is right for everyone. In my personal…

7 Remarkable Reasons Everyone with Arthritis SHOULD Be Playing The Piano
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7 Remarkable Reasons Everyone with Arthritis SHOULD Be Playing The Piano

ES_Reflection-of-the-Sun-Hanna-Ekstrom In today’s blog post, I’m going to be talking about playing the piano while living with arthritis. Ah, yes…Piano. Considered to be one of the most important and central instruments in music therapy, the piano can open doors to arthritis sufferers’ world like no other instrument. I should know–I live with rheumatoid arthritis and find…

16-Amazing ways Hospital Patients can Benefit from Music as Therapy

16-Amazing ways Hospital Patients can Benefit from Music as Therapy

In today’s post, I’ll be sharing 16 amazing ways you can benefit from music if you or a loved one is in the hospital. My inspiration for today’s post comes from my own experience. While living abroad in Germany, I found myself hospitalized on three different occasions; these hospitalizations were due to my diagnosis of…

Healthy Habits Start Here: Piano Therapy for Diabetes Wellness

Healthy Habits Start Here: Piano Therapy for Diabetes Wellness

If you’ve been following my blog, you’re probably aware that I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called RA, rheumatoid arthritis. That’s why I relate so well with so many of you out there who are living with an autoimmune disease. The pain, the weight gain, insomnia, need I go on? Like RA, type 1…

Piano for PTSD: Heal your Heart and Soul by Playing only 15-Minutes a Day

Piano for PTSD: Heal your Heart and Soul by Playing only 15-Minutes a Day

In today’s post, I’ll be sharing information on how playing the piano for just 15 minutes a day can relieve your symptoms of PTSD. PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, appears in different ways in different people. Even those of us who have been diagnosed with an incurable autoimmune disease suffer from symptoms of PTSD. Hearing the…