Sound Meditation Explained: Autoimmune Disease, PTSD, ADHD, Autism, Diabetes
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Sound Meditation Explained: Autoimmune Disease, PTSD, ADHD, Autism, Diabetes

What is Sound Meditation, and How Does it Work? Sound Meditation is an ancient practice that has been used to help people relax and reduce stress. It involves listening to relaxing sounds, such as music or nature sounds, while focusing on your breathing and allowing your mind to drift away. This type of meditation can…

3 Eye-Opening Ways YOU Can Use Music to Help YOU Cope with Fibromyalgia
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3 Eye-Opening Ways YOU Can Use Music to Help YOU Cope with Fibromyalgia

In today’s post, I’ll be sharing 3 eye-opening ways music can help you cope with your fibromyalgia healing journey. Unfortunately, as is the case with many of us, it can take years to get an accurate diagnosis of an autoimmune disease. In my case, my diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis took about 3 years. The problem…

How Focus Music can Help YOU Cope with Symptoms of ANY Autoimmune Disease: Your Health and Wellness Journey
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How Focus Music can Help YOU Cope with Symptoms of ANY Autoimmune Disease: Your Health and Wellness Journey

In today’s article, I’ll be discussing the benefits of music, and how music can help you cope with your autoimmune disease. Dealing with the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis, as I do, can be quite challenging. I’m going to show you how you can say goodbye to autoimmune disease symptoms with music! Are you struggling to…

Ancient musical instruments
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¡Historia de la musicoterapia y cómo ayuda a curar la artritis reumatoide!

En la publicación de hoy, pensé que sería útil hablar primero sobre “qué” es la terapia y luego profundizar en lo que es la “musicoterapia”. Si está leyendo este blog, es probable que usted o alguien que conozca tenga artritis reumatoide. A lo largo de mi propio viaje con la artritis reumatoide, me doy cuenta…

Sweetening Up Autoimmune Disease with Music and Chocolate Therapy: Your Wellness Journey
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Sweetening Up Autoimmune Disease with Music and Chocolate Therapy: Your Wellness Journey

How Music and Chocolate Can Help Improve the Quality of Life for Autoimmune Disease Patients In today’s article, I will be discussing one of my favorite topics…chocolate! Who doesn’t love chocolate? When I was in the midst of my darkest days, trying to cope with my RA symptoms, I’ll admit: chocolate was a comfort! If…

The Amazing Link Between Music as Therapy for Patients taking Oral Medication for Rheumatoid Arthritis
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The Amazing Link Between Music as Therapy for Patients taking Oral Medication for Rheumatoid Arthritis

In today’s post, I’ll be discussing the amazing link between using music as a therapeutic method for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. More specifically, for those of us who take an oral medication. Having RA bring on depression and anxiety, because the pain and chronic fatigue are often unimaginable and unbearable. So, let’s dive in…

History of Music Therapy and How It Helps With Rheumatoid Arthritis Healing!

History of Music Therapy and How It Helps With Rheumatoid Arthritis Healing!

In today’s post, I thought it would first be helpful to talk about ‘what’ therapy is, and then take a deep-dive into what ‘music therapy’ is. If you’re reading this blog, chances are you, or someone you know has rheumatoid arthritis. Throughout my own journey with rheumatoid arthritis, I realize that many people I ran…