Piano for Pain: 5 Awe-inspiring reasons piano is therapy for kids ages 4 – 11
In today’s post, I’ll share information regarding piano therapy with children between the ages 4-11. As a parent myself, there’s nothing worse than seeing your child in pain, or suffering from a chronic illness. What doctor’s won’t tell you is how music has healing powers, so that’s why I’m here. It’s probably not because they don’t already know the healing powers of music and how beneficial it can be in making kids feel better. It’s because doctors work in science-based medicine; lucky for us, we have the opportunities to connect with others in music as therapy communities. And thankfully, that’s how you got here!
A little history on music as therapy

The idea of using music for healing and changing health and behavior certainly goes as far back as the writings of Aristotle and Plato. In some cultures, (like Egyptian and Chinese) it goes back even farther. The earliest known reference to music therapy appeared in the late 18th century in an article in Columbian Magazine called “Music Physically Considered.” In the early 19th century, writings on the healing powers of music came up in two medical dissertations, one written by Edwin Atlee in 1804 and another written by Samuel Mathews in 1806. What Atlee and Mathews had in common was that they were both students of Dr. Benjamin Rush, a physician, and psychiatrist who believed in using music to treat physical health problems.
A myriad of illnesses affect our children; perhaps your child suffers from arthritis, asthma, or kidney disease. Studies show that playing the piano improves mental health. People who play the piano tend to experience less anxiety and depression than their non-musical counterparts. Playing for a few minutes daily can improve self-esteem, make you feel more positive, and lower your blood pressure. If your child suffers from a chronic illness, now’s the time to introduce them to the piano, not after the fact. By then, it’ll be too late? It will help if you arm them with valuable tools to be able to tackle the possible depression or anxiety when they’re older.
In other words, I was already a piano player after my diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, a debilitating autoimmune disease. I turned to piano as therapy for my anxiety and depression because it was a tool I’ve had in my pocket since childhood.

Without further ado, here are 5 awe-inspiring reasons piano is therapy for kids aged 4 – 11:
- Calming – anxiety is one of the biggest challenges faced by children today. Classical music can reduce stress and ease frustration. It can also reduce muscle tension and slow down the heart rate. Studies continue to show that children with all types of special needs – autism, cerebral palsy, ADD, ADHD, and more – can relax and calm down when music is integrated into their lives. For a more comprehensive guide on childhood illness, click here: Kids Health
2. Focus & Concentration
Playing piano is not only fun but also good for kids to enhance their focus & concentration. When kids play the piano, they need to focus on the rhythm, pitch, note duration, and using both hands. This needs multi-level concentration skills.
3. Teaches Perseverance
Learning to play new songs on the piano takes time, dedication and effort. Kids stay motivated to get the desired results & appreciation from the instruction which builds perseverance in a better way. The good news is here at Music to Mend; my teaching philosophy is created with learning to play the piano in the fastest way possible; here at Music to Mend, I teach piano lessons so students will learn to play their favorite songs in weeks instead of years. I use ear-training, games and fun exercises to help kids enjoy their piano-playing learning experience.
4. Improves Academic Performance
Studies have shown that learning any musical instrument exercises the same part of the brain as that used for certain math problems. Isn’t that a great consequence of playing the piano? I think so, for sure! So don’t delay! You don’t want to wait until your child is struggling at school, so enroll them today so they are armed with the tools they will need in the future! Please click here to watch my video titled: 5 Mind-Boggling Health Benefits of Playing Piano / Relaxation, Healing and Wellness Journey 2023
5 Enhances Emotional Intelligence
It is important to play piano with expressions, as it makes the performance mesmerizing This helps in interacting with your audience and connecting with emotions. It works wonderfully for the tone of voice, the speed of speech, and the melody of speech instantly.
In conclusion, kids 4 – 11 will not only have fun while learning to play the piano but they will also be armed with tools they will need when they grow up into happy adults. And, if they are suffering right now from an unwelcome chronic illness, what better gift can you give your child than the gift of music?
I hope you found this post educational and helpful. Here’s a song to get you inspired to enroll your child in piano lessons:
Softly, Gently: Artist Jon E. Amber
Here are some items I recommend for your child ages 4 – 11 to get them interested in musical instruments, including the piano:
Wooden Musical Instruments Toys,Kids Musical Instruments
Piano Keyboard Stickers for Beginners
Crosby Monster Piano Stickers for Learning Piano
Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you.
Until next time, happy piano playing!